Why Chemtrails are a Con (trails)
commercial jet airliners use either JET-A (kerosene)
or JET-B (Naptha - aka Zippo fuel )
When these fuels burn they produce gasses - carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, water and a few trace bits like nitrogen dioxide ..
If you have ever used a zippo or a kerosene lamp you should know
the smell of the fumes when they burn.
As an experiment, take a dinner plate and chill it
in your fridge for a few minutes until it is cold to touch.
Now hold it above a burning zippo or kerosene lamp.
Not too close .. a foot or so should be fine ..
After a few seconds you will see drops of liquid appearing
on the surface of the plate. This is condensate from the
hot gasses produced by the burning fuel.
Airliners use a LOT of fuel. A boeing 737 burns around 15 gallons
per minute while cruising, producing a LOT of exhaust gasses.
Now, with that in mind , consider those mountaineer people
you see in pictures, standing on the summit of Mt. Everest.
They have to wear many layers of cold weather clothing or frostbite
will soon occur followed by hypothermia and death.
Temperatures at the summit average between -35c in winter
to -20c in the summer. It’s cold at the top !
Mt. Everest is approx 30,000 feet above sea level - around the same
height as a jet airliner in cruise.
A cruising jet emits exhaust gasses at a temperature of approx.
650 -700 deg C - HOT ! If you are in the habit of steaming open your
neighbours letters to find out if they are agents of the New World Order -
you should carry on using the kettle as a jet engine exhaust would likely
incinerate the letters AND your body :-)
So, where were we ? .. ah , yes .. HOT gasses meet the COLD air ..
Have you seen the video on youtube where some Russian guy throws
a pan of boiling water off their balcony into the cold winter air ?
Instant Snow !!
So, the same thing happens to the HOT jet exhaust gas - As it comes into
contact with the very cold air it freezes, forming tiny crystals, visible as long,
fluffy, white trails.
These trails are known in the aviation biz as ‘contrails’
I have never seen a ‘chemtrail’. I’ve seen loads of pictures of contrails.
I’ve heard loads of talk about mind control and chemical agents and
nano machine particles. I have never managed to get one single solid
argument for the existence of ‘chemtrails’ apart from “ because i say so !”.
Usually coming from some obstreperous americano ..
Right , that’s it - Don’t be fooled people ! ! I urge you all to discover the FACTS
for yourselves instead of accepting whatever pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo these
self important shitbags are espousing’ - ( i’m looking at you shite wave ) ..l&l 2 *@*
I am not asking anyone to believe me. In fact i don’t want you to believe me !
I am asking you to do your own research - Don’t be taken for a fool !
Find the facts for yourself and use your energy to fight conspiracies that EXIST !!
Cheers -